About the Plans

About Us

Plan History

After decades of participating in the Welfare and Pension Plans sponsored by the BC Provincial Council of Carpenters, Millwright Local Union 2736 made a conscious decision to create our own Plans to meet the needs of our members and their families. The Millwrights Local 2736 Health Benefits Plan and the Millwrights Local 2736 Pension Plan were established in 2007 and 2008 respectively.

Plan Management and Operation

The Millwrights Local 2736 Health Benefits and Pension Plans are funded under the terms of collective agreements negotiated between Millwrights Local Union 2736 and various employers in the industry.

Board of Trustees

The Plans and related Trust Funds are each managed by a Board of Trustees appointed by the Union. The Trustees are responsible for managing the funds and establishing the benefit levels and other Plan provisions, based on available funding and consistent with applicable legislation and the terms of the collective agreements.  The current Trustees for both the Health Benefits Plan and Pension Plan are:

Miro Maras (Chair)

Carey Simpson

John Fisler

Adam Wittmeier


The Trustees appoint and work with a team of professional advisors, including administrators, investment managers, investment consultants, actuaries and lawyers. The Trustees have appointed D.A. Townley (a wholly owned subsidiary of Pacific Blue Cross) as our Administrator to handle day to day administration of both the Health Benefits and Pension Plans. The Administrator operates under the overall direction of the Trustees.

D.A. Townley (a wholly owned subsidiary of Pacific Blue Cross)

Email: pensions2@datownley.com  for pension questions
mw2736admin@pac.bluecross.ca   for health benefits questions
Phone 604-299-7482
Toll Free:  1-800-663-1356
Address: 4250 Canada Way
Burnaby, BC  V5G 4W6
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